You can win N10,000 every week when you refer at least 50 – 100 people to do their first lucky draw through the Lucky Draw Referral event.
How to participate:
1. Find your referral code
Visit Ed the Learning Bot. Get assigned to an Agent bot then type command /profile to find your referral code for the Lucky Draw Referral event.
2. Refer another person to use your code
Get your friend to visit Ed the Learning Bot principal bot. Type command /referral on
3a) Ensure that your friend collect points
Type command /play on your Agent bot to collect points.
3b) Redeem their points for lucky draw tickets to stand a chance of winning 10GB weekly
Use command /redeem to redeem lucky draw tickets on
“About the event: The top 3 with the highest lucky draw referrals per week get N10,000 each.”